How to Order

Bicycleman Shop

Because the Bicycle Man is a “rider-owned and operated” specialty bicycle shop / recumbent bike shop ~ we want to get it right the first time.

We encourage test riding before picking from the many styles and types of recumbent bikes. Whether you call them ‘bents, recumbants, recumbents, trikes, tandem recumbents, tadpoles or incumbent bikes we stock 70+ recumbent bikes from 12+ brands.

If you can get to a shop with a large selection of recumbents we encourage you to go there, find your favorite and buy it from them. If you can not get to a shop that stocks a selection of recumbents we will try to help you make a good decision by corresponding with you or talking to you directly.

A few of the recumbent bike brands we carry can be shipped to customers. Some recumbents can even be mailed to an APO. Many companies do not allow us to ship their bikes to customers, sorry. It is better for you if you test ride a wide variety of recumbents and buy one correctly assembled and adjusted by a competent dealer closer to you. Support your local dealer if you have one. Please DO NOT test ride at a dealer then email us trying to save a few bucks. Fuji does not allow us to ship their bikes, but they have dealers all over the country, you should be able to find one.

To order from the Bicycle Man:

You can listing the items you are interested in. If you are looking for a recumbent bike please include your weight, height and inseam. Include your X-seam too if you know it.

Or you can call us at 607-587-8835, we are open 10-6:00, Wed through Sat.

If you are ordering parts or accessories for a Linear recumbent please go to the Linear Recumbent website.

If you would rather not order by email or phone you can mail your order to us (please include your phone number.)

The Bicycle Man
6393 State Route 21
Alfred Station, NY 14803

We accept VISA, MasterCard, PayPal, Money Orders and Checks.

Better yet, why not come for a visit?

Our Local information page has recommendations for Bed & Breakfasts, Motels or campgrounds and other attractions in our area. And you can visit Alfred, New York Community Website at AlfredNY.Biz