In ’98 the CT was our best selling recumbent, and at $699 the 2002 CT remains an excellent general purpose recumbent value. It’s not a great racing bike, but if you are looking for a fun, comfy, reliable, value packed bike for errands, exercise or day-tripping you should check out a CT! I’ve EVEN seen guys finish ONE HUNDRED MILE century rides on a CT. The lighter weight and stiffer frame of the CT make it about the fastest BikeE available. It’s even lighter than some recumbents that cost two to four times as much!
BikeE CT Recumbent Bicycles
It comes with BikeE’s comfortable “Sweet seat II”. Like the Sweet Seat it features foam padding on the base and an ergonomically designed hi-back but has fewer available adjustments. The CT is a versatile bike. It’s Sachs 3×7 hub gives easy-shifting and wide range gearing of 23 to 108″. The CT’s V-Brakes are plenty powerful, the gear range is good. An amazing number of recumbent riders took their first ride on a CT. If marijuana is “the gateway drug” then the BikeE CT is certainly “the gateway recumbent.”
I used a CT long wheelbase as my all-weather errand bike for a year (for a change I’m now using a Linear with Under Seat Steering.) For utility riding and errands I keep it outfitted with fenders, lights, and a front faring. This setup keeps me warm and dry in weather that gets a lot of attention at the grocery store. This is my 24-7-52 answer to “why should I take the car, it’s only a mile or two, I can ride!”
If you like the idea of a BikeE with suspension take a look at the suspended (with suspension) Maxarya Ray 1