BikeE’s E2 tandem allows you both to share the comfort of a recumbent. It’s two “sweet seats” are independently adjustable as are the rear handlebars. Like most BikeE’s the front handlebars can be adjusted up and down while the rear bars can also be adjusted front to back to properly fit your arm length. It is more comfortable than any upright tandem I’ve ever ridden. It is also the first recumbent tandem with a rear shock for under $2400.
BikeE E2 Tandem Recumbent Bicycle
New for 2002 the E2 comes with dual disk brakes for the best stopping ever! Even most rigid recumbent tandems are $4000-$5000. The BikeE E2 hasn’t got the performance (speed, climbing ability or high-speed handling) serious tandem riders desire, but many casual riders will love it for its comfort, especially at under $2400!
If you like the idea of a BikeE with suspension take a look at the suspended (with suspension) Maxarya Ray 1