HP Velotechnik Street Machine Recumbent Bike

Streetmachine GTE with lots of bags for touring

HP Velotechnik Street Machine GTe Recumbent Bicycle

The Street Machine GTe is a versatile bike from HP Velotechnik. It has a rugged aluminum frame and your choice of their glass/carbon fiber “body glove” or mesh “Ergomesh” seats. The Gte is higher than their Speed Machine, giving up some speed to see and be seen better. It comes standard with USS handlebars, which I think is great. OSS bars are an extra cost option. Many riders find this bike easy to get used to and very pleasant to ride. It is not as fast as the Speed Machine but still quick and very versatile. Both it’s high-speed and low-speed handling are good. Maneuvering on trips to the convenient store should be quite convenient.

I find the Bodyglove seat, even with the optional airflow seat pad I get a bit sweatier than I do on their Ergo mesh seat.

The no squat suspension does an admirable job and does not adversely affect hill climbing. The Street Machine is not a race bike. It climbs well for a 36 lb bike but not as quickly as a lighter, less versatile Lightning, Bacchetta or Volae.

You notice I keep saying the GTe is a versatile bike. We have a customer who commutes 50 miles a day on one, we have customers who ride one for fun, we have a couple who rode their Street Machines around the world! Check out Scott & Becky’s blog of their round the world trip on GTe’s! http://goingeast.ca/blog/

I enjoy the Street machine every time I get on one.

Streetmachine in gray

HP Velo Owner’s Manuals

Street Machine GT Owners Manual (January 2008 version, PDF Format, 624 KB)

Street Machine GTe Owners Manual (January 2008 version, PDF Format, 600 KB)

Grasshopper FX Owners Manual (February 2008 version, PDF Format, 676 KB)

Speedmachine Owners Manual (January 2008 version, PDF Format, 673 KB)

Spirit Owners manual(January 2008 version, PDF Format, 1021 KB)

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